Vedic Meditation

Vedic Meditation Practitioner

Vedic Meditation is simple and effortless.

When you learn Vedic Meditation* (VM) in person with Dr Lana, you will receive an individualised mantra. This sound, when repeated silently, allows the mind to settle down to quieter and more subtle states.

This settling of the mind triggers profound levels of rest in the body, allowing stress to unwind and the body to heal. Our mind is always searching for greater fulfilment.

During meditation, it is only natural that our mind will find our individualised mantra most charming and will effortlessly follow this sound into more and more subtle states of refinement and relaxation.

​There is no need to concentrate, to focus or to try to stop thoughts. Practiced for 20mins, twice-daily, Vedic Meditation is absolutely effortless.

  • Meditation has long been used as a tool for expanding the mind. Your nervous system is how you experience the world. As we clear the nervous system of stored stress, our perception of life and reality changes. We create a new relationship to our experiences, liberating us from interacting with the world from a state of stress. Practising our twice daily eyes closed technique increases our perceptual ability, our full mental potential becomes liberated and our experience of life becomes more and more expansive.

  • The search for fulfilment and greater happiness is the primary motivation of most pursuits in life. As a society we are taught to live on the hamster wheel, experiencing the endless search for fulfilment through achievements and external gains. 

    We look for things outside of ourselves to bring fulfilment and happiness. This is a frivolous undertaking, as neither experience can be found in something outside of us, it can only be found within. 

    When we meditate, the mind settles down to an experience of supreme inner contentedness and fulfilment. As we repeatedly experience this inner state of contentedness, our outer life begins to be coloured by it. We begin to experience a sense of fulfilment and happiness in our daily life. Instead of doing/buying/experiencing things in an effort to get happy, meditators find themselves bringing happiness naturally to everything they do.

“Just learn to meditate, go within and experience the Divine Nature. I not only tell you that you are divine within yourself and that it is easy to be blissful in your daily life, but I give you the key – the technique whereby you may begin to enjoy the glory of life that belongs to you."

— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Why meditate?

Meditation reduces the stored stress in our body and mind, it expands our mind’s capacity to not only meet the demands of life but to thrive within those demands. 

The deep levels of rest achieved during meditation allow the body to release stored trauma and the other physical, chemical, and emotional stresses that may have been present in the body for years. As we let go of stress, we start to experience a broad range of benefits.

A few of the Benefits of Vedic Meditation:

  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and fatigue

  • Improved Sleep

  • Increased clarity of mind and focus

  • Enhanced ability to stay calm and perform under pressure

  • Improved problem-solving and decision making

  • Improved sports performance

  • Faster reaction times

  • Enhanced immune function and overall health

  • Greater vitality

  • Reversal of aging

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Enhanced happiness

*Dr Lana teaches Vedic Meditation and was trained to teach this form of meditation by Thom Knoles, who continues to teach Vedic Meditation. Thom was trained as a teacher of Transcendental Meditation (“TM”) by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (“Maharishi”), and taught it for over 25 years with organisations affiliated with Maharishi. Since 1997, Thom has continued to teach meditation as he learned it from Maharishi, and has done so independently and separately from the TM organisations. Dr Lana Loxton is an independent meditation teacher. She is not affiliated in any way with the Maharishi Foundation, or with any trademark, program or organisation that is affiliated with, or a licensee of, the Maharishi Foundation.

The form of meditation that Thom Knoles taught for over 25 years with the TM organizations has been the subject of hundreds of scientific studies showing a wide range of benefits from regular practice. These studies, which refer to this form of meditation using the name “Transcendental Meditation” or “TM”, support the benefits obtainable from regular practice of Vedic Meditation, which are referenced above.